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Proponowane usługi:

Doradztwo i wsparcie w zakupie gruntów w Europie, w tym także w Polsce

Land Plot And Building Map. Urban Development Planning
A team of multiracial business architects and designers discuss creating a project draft drawing by looking at laptop monitor screen a computer desk. Asian male and female developers together teamwork

Wsparcie w uzyskiwaniu warunków zabudowy i pozwoleń na budowę

A team of multiracial business architects and designers discuss creating a project draft drawing by looking at laptop monitor screen a computer desk. Asian male and female developers together teamwork

Consulting procedur przetargowych

Multicultural team of developers using remote devices and discussing place and design for new residential complex. Business partners with serious face expression pointing at screen and sharing ideas.
senior businessman architect on the construction site

Pozyskiwanie wykonawców

senior businessman architect on the construction site